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Hommes et territoires aux XIXe et XXe siècles - Corpus de textes

14 mai 1897 - Traité anglo-éthiopien
Her Majesty Victoria, by the grace of God, Queen of Great Britain and Ireland, Empress of India, and His Majesty Menelek II, by the grace of God, King of Kings of Ethiopia, being desirous of strengthening and rendering more effective and profitable the ancient dfriendship which has existed between their respectives kingdoms;
Her Majesty Queen Victoria having appointed as her Special Envoy and Representative to His Majesty the Emperor Menelek II, James Rennel Rodd, esq. Companion of the Most Distinguished Order of St. Michael and St. George, whose fulle powers have been found in due and propoer form, and His Majesty the Emperor Menelek, negociating in his own name as King of Kings of Ethiopia, they have agreed upon and do conclmude the following Articles, which shall be binding on themselves, their heirs and successors :

Article 1. The subjects of or persons protected by each of the COntracting Parties shall have full liberty to come and go and engage in commerce in the territories of the other, enjoying the protection of the Government within whose juridiction they are; but iti is forbidden for armed bands from either side to cross the frontier of the other on any pretext whatever without previous authorization from the competent authorities.

Article 2. The frontiers of the British Protectorate on the Somali Coast recognized by the Emperor Menelek shall be determined subsequently by exchange of notes between James Rennell Rodd, Esq., as Representative of Her Majesty the Queen, and Ras Maconen, as Representative of His Majesty the Emperor Menelek, at Harrar. These notes shall be annexed to the present Treaty, of which they will form an integral part, so soon as they have received the approval of the High Contracting Parties, pending which the status quo shall be maintained.

Article 3. The caravan route between Zeila and Harrar by way of Gildessa shall remain open throughout its whole extent to the commerce of both nations.

Article 4. His Majesty the Emperor of Ethiopia, on the on hand, accords to Great Britain and her Colonies in respect of import duties and local taxation, every advantage which he lay accord to the subjects of other nations.
On the other hand, all material destined exclusively for the service of the Ethiopian State shall, on application from His Majesty the Emperor, be allowed to pass through the port of Zeyla into Ethiopia free of duty.

Article 5. The transit of fire-arms and ammunitions destined for His Majesty the Emperor of Ethiopia through the territories depending on the Government of Her Britannic Majesty is authorized, subject to the conditions prescribed by the General Act of the Brussels Conference, signed the 2nd July, 1890.

Article 6. His Majesty the Emperor Menelik II, King of Kings of Ethiopia, engages himself towards the Government of Her Britannic Majesty to do all in his power to prevent the passage through his dominions of arms and ammunitions to the Mahdists, whom he declares to be the enemies of his Empire.

The present Treaty shall come into force as soon as its ratification by Her Britannic Majesty shall have been notified to the Emperor of Ethiopia, but it is understood that the prescription of Article VI shall be put into force from the date of is signature.

In faith of which His Majesty Menelek II, King of Kings of Ethiopia, in his own name, and James Rennel Rodd, Esp., on behalf of Her Majesty Victoria, Queen of Great Bretain and Ireland, Empress of India, have signe dthe present Treaty, in duplicate, written in the English and Amahric languages identically, both texts being considered as official, and have thereto affixed their seals.
Done in Adis Abbaba, the 14th day of May, 1897.
Par une lettre du 14/5/1897, Rennel Rodd accepte la proposition de Menelik de reonnaître la version française, qui se trouve dans Pierre-Alype, “L’Ethiopie et les convoitises allemandes”, p. 145-147, en cas de divergence entre les versions anglaise et amharique.
Référence Edward Ullendorff, «The 1897 treaty between Great Britain and Ethiopia», «Rassegna di Studi Etiopici», vol. 22, 1966, avec des commentaires sur la traduction.
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