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Hommes et territoires aux XIXe et XXe siècles - Corpus de textes

9 février 1888 - Deuxième note britannique sur les frontières dans le golfe de Tadjoura
Le marquis de Salisbury à M. Waddington

Monsieur l’Ambassadeur,

With reference to the note which I have this day adressed to your Excellency, accepting on behalf of Her Majesty’s Government the arrangement agreed upon between us respecting the British and French Protectorates in the Gulf of Tajurra and on the Somali Coast, I think it right to the Turkish Ambassador at this Court that in any understanding which might be arrived at on this subject the rights of His Imperial Majesty the Sultan might be respected.
I assured his Excellency, in reply, that the British Governement would carefully abstain in the, as in the past, from any interference with the just rights of the Sultan, and that I was convinced that the Government of the French Republic would have a smiliar spirit.
Référence Pierre Alype, «L’Ethiopie et les convoitises allemandes», p. 137
Pour citer ce document, mis en ligne le 19 octobre 2010, dernière modification le 19 octobre 2010, consulté le 27 juillet 2024.

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