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Hommes et territoires aux XIXe et XXe siècles - Corpus de textes

6 juin 2010 - Accord entre l'État de l'Érythrée et la République de Djibouti sous la médiation du Qatar
The Government of the State of Eritrea and the Government of the Republic of Djibouti, hereinafter referred to as the “parties”,

Having considered the request by His Excellency the President of the Republic of Djibouti that His Highness the Emir of the State of Qatar intervene to resolve the dispute between the Republic of Djibouti and the State of Eritrea,
Based on the strong relationship between both countries and the State of Qatar,
Desirous to entrust to the State of Qatar to undertake mediation efforts to reach a resolution of the border dispute between them through peaceful means,
Expressing deep appreciation to the State of Qatar for accepting the mediation,

Have agreed to authorize the mediator, His Highness Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa AI-Thani, Emir of the State of Qatar, with full powers to issue a document containing legal and technical actions as well as mechanisms as he deems fit for a final and mutually binding resolution of this border dispute, and accepted the work document that will be announced by the State of Qatar and the ensuing resolution.

State of Eritrea
Isaias Afwerki, President of the State of Eritrea

Republic of Djibouti
Ismail Omar Guelleh, President of the Republic of Djibouti

Mediator and Witness
State of Qatar
Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani, Emir of the State of Qatar

Executive Document of the Agreement

Sheikh Hamad bin Jassim fin Jabor AI-Thani the Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the State of Qatar announced that based on the authorization of H.E. President Isaias Afewerqi, President of the State of Eritrea, and H. E. President Ismael Omar Guelleh, President of the Republic of Djibouti to His Highness Sheikh bin Khalifa AI-Thani to resolve the boundary difference between them,

Noting by the State of Qatar the withdrawal of the State of Eritrea from the boundary areas subject of the difference, provided that will not constitute recognition of any rights until the final settlement of the difference in accordance with the Agreement, and the verification it carried out,

Implementing the instructions of His Highness the Emir, The following Executive Document of the Agreement has been issued:

Art. 1 - A Committee shall be established under the Chairmanship of Sheikh Hamad bin Jassim bin Jabor Al-Thani, with one representative from each of the Parties to resolve the boundary difference in accordance with the authorization given by the Two Parties to the State of Mediation.
The Committee shall nominate and appoint with the agreement of the Parties one of the world companies to carry out the demarcation of the frontiers between the two countries, in accordance with the principles and rules known internationally on frontiers demarcation and in a manner conforming to the agreements and the international rules on delimitation of borders binding upon their respective countries.
The Chairman of the Committee may establish committees and have resort to any person he deems appropriate, whether from politicians, technicians, professionals or lawyers, to complete the tasks of the Committee.

Art. 2 - The Committee shall aim at putting to an end the frontiers difference between the Parties and the demarcation of the frontiers between their respective countries in a manner which would serve the relations of good neighbourliness.

Art. 3 - Each Party shall provide the State of Qatar with a list containing the number and names of POW’s detained by it, if any, and also a list containing the number and names of missing persons. The exchange of POW’s between the two countries shall be made, and each Party shall investigate the fate of missing persons. All this shall be done under the supervision of the State of Qatar.

Art. 4 - Each Party shall provide the State of Qatar with all the information, documents, and instruments which would facilitate the work in order to present them to the world company entrusted with the demarcation of the fronries.

Art. 5 - The world company agreed upon to demarcate the frontiers shall present the outcome of its work to the Committee referred to in Article (1) of this Document. and the decision of the Committee shall be final and I binding upon the Parties.

Art. 6 - The State of Qatar, in its capacity as Mediator in resolving the dispute between the two Parties, shall supervise the monitoring of the borders until such time as the final decision of the Committee referred to in Article (1) of this Document on the settlement of the dispute is announced.

Art. 7 - The State of Qatar shall deposit this Agreement and the Executive Document of the. Agreement on the settlement of the boundary difference with the United Nations, the League of Arab States and the African Union.
Traduction non-officielle, transmis au Conseil de sécurité le 6/6/2010.
Référence Document UN S/2010/291
Pour citer ce document, mis en ligne le 19 novembre 2012, dernière modification le 19 novembre 2012, consulté le 22 octobre 2024.

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